Friday, July 23, 2010

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First audio aids, aids that we can hear, second visual aids, aids that we can seen, and the last audio – visual aids, aids that can be heard and see


1.1      General Remarks
In learning teaching process of language especially in English, teacher is one of the important factors to facilitate the students in learning English. So the teacher is called the facilitator.
In general, a good teacher is using effective of method and using teaching aids ( Sri Utari Subyakto Nababan 1993 : 5 ).
Teaching aids is divided into three kinds. First audio aids, aids that we can hear, second visual aids, aids that we can seen, and the last audio – visual aids, aids that can be heard and seen.
As the other language, English has the important parts, they are:
1.      Language Elements
  1. prononciation
  2. strucrure
  3. vocabulary
2.   Language Skill
  1. listening
  2. speaking
  3.  reading
  4. writing
In learning teaching process all of the mentioned above, the use of visual aids is very useful, because the students can be learn quickly, effectively, efficiently, particularly in learning language element parts that is structure.
So the visual aids are very important towards the structure comprehension especially in Simple Present Tense.
1.2   Reasons for Choosing the Topic
The reasons why the writer chooses this topic are as follow:
1.      In SMUN I Banjar is that school has not used chart yet as teaching aids to help effectiveness in teaching learning process.
2.      The writer assumes that the chart is important to increasing the students’ structure comprehension.

1.3   Identification of the Problem
There are a lot of factors, which influence the students’ comprehension English structure such as:
1.      The aims that have to be achieved
2.      Materials of the lesson
3.      Techniques and method including teaching aids
4.      Evaluation which is used to know how far the students have got the aims
5.      Teachers and students

1.4   Limitation of the Problem
It is impossible for the writer to write down the whole factors influencing the students’ structure comprehension mentioned above. Therefore She will limit the scope on the use of chart is considered to have a great to the influence to the students’ comprehension of English structure. This chart is limited by using caption.

1.5   Formulation of the Problem 
            The formulation of the problem in this thesis is “how far do the teaching aids influence the students’ comprehension of English structure at the first grade of SMUN I Banjar?”

1.6   Aims of Research
For giving general view to where the research is done, the writer has many purposes or aims in writing this research, those are
1.      She want to know the effect of chart towards students’ structure comprehension especially in Simple Present Tense
2.      To examine the ability of the students in using teaching aids in teaching English in structure, especially in Simple Present Tense
3.      To discover suitable technique for teaching English structure

1.7   Operational Definition
1.      Chart is teaching aids in the form of caption that used in SMUN I Banjar
2.      Structure is language element which correlation with the English structures

1.8   Hypothesis
The writer states the hypothesis that “ there is significant influence of using chart towards Comprehension English Structure.”


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